Xylazine test strips are an assay kit for xylazine (tranq). Xylazine test kit is best for detecting xylazine in any sample. Learn more.
How to test for xylazine?
What is xylazine?
Xylazine (“tranq”) is a synthetic substance generally used to sedate and anesthetize animals. It is characterized by potent effects and a low lethal dose. It is more and more often found in mixtures with fentanyl and heroin greatly, increasing the risk of a fatal overdose. When xylazine is mixed with fentanyl, heroin or other substances it is never mixed evenly. The powder on one side of the bag may contain no xylazine while the powder on the other side may contain a lethal amount. It is extremely important to always test each dose intended for consumption.
Watch how to use xylazine test strips:
What is a Xylazine Test Strip?
How sensitive are Xylazine Test Strips?
Are there any possible false positives?
What is included with Xylazine Test Strip?
What is each kind of test for?
How to use a Xylazine Test Strip?
How to interpret results?
How to handle xylazine test strips?
How to test potency and detect all adulterants?
Xylazine test kit i Sverige
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A positive or negative xylazine test strip result does not indicate if a substance is safe.
A sample that tested negative might still contain a lethal dose of xylazine or other synthetic opioids.
No substance is 100% safe
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