MASERATI pills (Ecstasy / MDMA)

Information about the ingredients of Maserati pills comes from lab and user data. Test results are warnings. No substance is 100% safe. Test it before you ingest it. Get a test kit. Other analyses in the full database.

Dislcaimer: The information provided on this page is not intended to promote drug use. Many of the substances mentioned are illegal under domestic and international law and possession of these substances is punishable by law. Never assume that a substance is safe. Ecstasy pills (extasy, XTC, molly) are expected to contain MDMA but concentration, purity and adulteration vary greatly, even if aquired from the same source or if bear seemingly the same characteristics. Chemical Safety sp. z o.o. strongly advises against the use of any psychoactive substance – legal or illegal. Consuming psychoactive substances is always an avoidable risk to your health.

Ecstasy tablets are always counterfeit. To effectively check the composition of a Maserati pill, test it yourself with the PRO Test drug test kit or submit a sample to a laboratory. Judging a substance by its appearance is unreliable, as illustrated by the current chemical composition information published on this site. Our goal is to reduce the harms associated with psychoactive substance use by providing reliable data that can help you make more informed decisions.

One of the pills we describe is the ecstasy pill “Maserati”. It is a distinctive tablet with an embossed motif referring to the logo of Maserati, a prestigious car brand. Laboratory tests have shown that “pills” can contain various concentrations of active substances, including not only MDMA, but also other, often dangerous substitutes. We advise paying close attention to the unpredictability of the composition of these pills, which can lead to an increased risk of overdose or unforeseen body reactions.

It is important for users to be aware of the potential dangers of taking drugs. That’s why on our site you’ll find testing methods, analytical results and risk reduction tips that can help minimize the health harms associated with their use. Remember that each pill may differ in composition, and their appearance is not an indicator of quality. Read on for detailed information on MDMA.

MASERATI pills (Ecstasy / MDMA)
MASERATI pills (Ecstasy / MDMA)

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