GUIDE How to test 3-MMC or 4-MMC?
How to test 3-MMC and other cathinones: if you intend to use a psychoactive substance first you need a test kit to check purity. Pure mephedrone can look white or clear and can’t be identified by appearence. Check your sample with a multi-use mephedrone test kit.
3-MMC tester
Recommended 3-MMC testing kits
Recommended multi-use Mephedrone Reagent Test Kit includes reagents Marquis, Froehde, Simon’s, Zimmermann and Morris. These reagent help tell identify Mephedrone (4-MMC) or Methedrone (3-MMC) and CMC from eutylone, cyputylone, dipentylone, hexen, a-PHiP, a-PVP and other cathinones. To discover full ingredients and estimate Mephedrone % pair reagents with Full TLC Purity Test Kit. To detect fentanyl use the fentanyl test strips.
STEP ONE How to identify 3-MMC or 4-MMC?
How to use reagent tests?
TL;DR: Below is an image with a quick cheat sheet how to use the Mephedrone Test Kit and further down you can check out more detailed guide how to test Mephedrone. Use the mephedrone reagent test chart to see how to use Marquis reagent, Froehde, Simon’s, Zimmermann and Morris. Check the expected results.
3-MMC and 4-MMC test results chart:
MARQUIS | No color change |
MECKE | No color change |
MANDELIN | Short brown |
LIEBERMANN | Yellow / faint orange |
FROEHDE | No color change |
EHRLICH | No color change |
HOFMANN | No color change |
SIMON’S | No blue color change |
ROBADOPE | No pink color change |
MORRIS | Purple |
ZIMMERMANN | Purple / brown |
CANNABIS (4-AP) | No color change |
MMC reagent test chart
What are 3-MMC or 4-MMC test kit reagents used for?
Reagent tests indicate presence of a substance, therefore can either help confirm presence of the expected compound or help rule out certain cuts.
- Marquis – main test for most powders, secondary test for ketamine, mephedrone and psychedelics
- Froehde – main test for most powders, secondary test for ketamine and amphetamines, long shelf life
- Simon – main test for secondary amines, e.g. MDMA, meth, mephedrone, methylone or PMMA
- Zimmermann / Beam – main test for cathinones and benzodiazepines in geneal, detects also CBD
- Morris – main test for cathinones, cocaine and ketamine, can tell apart some novel dissociatives
- Multi use mephedrone reagent test kit includes reagents Marquis, Froehde, Simon’s, Zimmermann and Morris
Morris reagent, Simon’s and Zimmermann are the main test for 3-MMC, 4-MMC and analogs, these can distinguish the group serotonergic cathinones.
Marquis and Froehde reagent can indicate presence of synthesis impurities or help detect different novel cathinones.
Mephedrone test kit results
How to detect 3-MMC impurities
STEP TWO How to test 3-MMC or 4-MMC purity %?
To discover all adulterants and estimate quantity pair reagent tests with a TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) Purity Test Kit. TLC purity tests alone don’t identify substances and are best paired with at least 1-2 reagent tests. Thin Layer Chromatography is one of classic substance analysis methods. It works by separating different compounds depending on their solubility in chosen TLC testing liquid (eluent). To precisly estimate mephedrone purity pair a reagent test kit with the Full TLC Purity Test Kit.
How to test quality of 3-MMC or 4-MMC?
Qualitative TLC:
TLC test works by separating substances present in a sample, each detected spot indicates a different substance.
- You can use an already confirmed sample for reference – if both compounds show up at the same height on the TLC “card” that indicates they can be the same substance.
- You can use any substance for reference after establishing their relation – if substance X shows up twice as high on the same testing “card” as substance Y, you can expect them to keep that ratio.
TLC Cocaine Purity Test potency scale
TLC MDMA Purity Test potency scale
How to test quality of mephedrone or methedrone?
Semi-quantitative TLC:
TLC helps estimate quantity (potency). The bigger the size of the detected spot, the bigger the amount of measured substance. Note that different substances need different calibrated rulers and often different testing liquids (eluents).
- One spot indicates a pure substance. If your sample fully dissolved in testing liquid and only one spot was detected on TLC then your substance is pure. Trace amounts of impurities might not be detected, do not rely on TLC for fentanyl testing – get also fentanyl test strips.
How to use TLC purity tests?
How to test 3-MMC or 4-MMC for fentanyl?
Use fentanyl test strips (a fentanyl test kit)
If testing a benzo/opioid pill, crush one in a plastic baggie and dump out the powder. Then add 10 drops of water into the baggie and mix well. Dip the test strip no higher than the thick line. Wait 15 seconds. Put the strip away and check in 5 minutes.
Mix 100 mg of sample in 200 ml of water. Dip the test strip no higher than the thick line. Wait 15 seconds. Put the strip away and check in 5 minutes.
1 line = fentanyl, 2 lines = no fentanyl. Faint lines also count. Ignore fentanyl tester results after 5 minutes.
To detect all ingredients and estimate their amount pair reagents with a TLC purity test kit.
A positive or negative test result does not indicate if a substance is safe. No substance is 100% safe.