LSD Test Kit
Previous lowest price was €24,98.
100% legal and safe in accordance with EU regulation nr 2019/1148. Learn more…
LSD reagent test kit is a drug testing kit for blotters, gels, powders or pills. LSD test kit is best for LSD, DMT, MDMA, meth/amphetamine, 2C-B and more.
How to test?
What is LSD test kit for?
What is included in LSD reagent test kit?
What is each reagent test for?
How to use LSD reagent test kit?
How to interpret LSD reagent test kit results?
How to handle LSD test kit?
How to test LSD for fentanyl?
How to test LSD potency and detect all adulterants?
More questions?
Still searching for the best test kit?
Click here to see our full offer, or here for single-use kits, or here for all multi-use kits including TLC purity testing kits.
A positive or negative LSD testing kit result does not indicate if a substance is safe. No substance is 100% safe.
stivic (verified owner) –
I ordered the kit to Croatia and received it within a week using the cheapest shipping option. I tested a couple of tabs using ehrlich and hofmann, empty tabs resulted in no color change and real tabs changed color within a couple of minutes so everything seems to be working as expected. No issues so far and I am sarisfied with my order 😊
Magdalena (verified owner) –
[REWARDED REVIEW] Musielibyście zobaczyć średnicę oczu znajomej na widok mojego zestawu PROtest. „Ej, nigdy nie sprawdzałam, ale dawaj. Wyglada to niesamowicie profi”. Zrobiłyśmy testy wszystkiego, co miała przy sobie, czyli całkiem sporo jak na testy testu. Szczęśliwie, wyniki potwierdziły się z przewidywaniami czystości … uuff. Przy okazji, fajna zabawa w „małego chemika” 😀 trzeba było pilnować, żeby nie porozdzielać wszystkiego na próbki ;P
Piotr (verified owner) –
Nie zliczę imprez, na których wydałem tyle kasy, że kupiłbym tych odczynników, żeby zbadać całe miasto…
Za naprawdę ‘żadne pieniądze’ wiem, co mam, po odpaleniu pierwszego testu po prostu się ucieszyłem widząc kolor, jakiego oczekiwałem.
Znajomi nazwaliby mnie świrem, bo kupiłem testy…Przynajmniej wiem co jem, niestety odwiedzając tych “mądrzejszych” w szpitalu.
Polecam mega, świetna sprawa i bardzo dziękuję, że taka inicjatywa jest.
Zdrówka ❤️❤️❤️
Turkey (verified owner) –
[REWARDED REVIEW] Everything work excellent, fast shipping, very good customer service.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
First time I tried this out was on 1D-LSD (which I’m relatively sure was genuine, and not some NBOMe or the like, given it was bought legally, from a somewhat trustworthy source), unfortunately there was no reaction with neither Ehrlich nor Hofmann, apparently. With both Mecke and Marquis, it turned into a darkish red colour pretty quickly (pills being orange, for that matter, so could just be corrosion perhaps), which, well could mean pretty much anything. So, if anyone is wondering whether these reagents are suitable for identifying 1D-LSD, they’re probably not. Though, at least with Marquis and Mecke, if they don’t turn green, that may rule out certain NBOMes.
Anyway, it’s nice they included Mecke and Marquis, as they’re quite broad-spectrum tests ‒ it saved some friends from consuming some mystery substance (perhaps an amphetamine or bath salt) that was sold as (suspiciously cheap) MDMA.
karavas.vasilis (verified owner) –
Only used the Ehrlich test on some acid so far and it seems legit. Nice packaging as well.
kamil (verified owner) –
Bardzo dobrze zapakowane,
szybka dostawa.
Odczynniki są PRO działają jak powinny 😀
Be responsible~
Stay safe ~ Trip safe 😉